A dream in the making

Hi! I’m Rossy Sanchez, an Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness teacher, writer, photographer, and public speaker who, for years, has been making the empowerment of women a priority. As the creator of 3+ things®, a photojournalism project for women that aims to increase self-love, awareness, and appreciation for the magnificent unique individuals that we are, I’ve had the immense pleasure of seeing women come into their own power and wisdom right in front of my lens.

The project entails making a list of the three or more things a participant loves about herself. These can be physical attributes, personality traits, roles they play, concepts they hold dear, anything that they identify with. I then endeavor to capture that in images. The two-hour photo shoot is free, but even so many women are reluctant to participate because of the blessed “list”.

It is difficult to choose what you love about yourself when you're focused on what you dislike.

That is why I married this project with the emotional intelligence and mindfulness work I had been doing in a corporate setting and online to help women connect with themselves at a deeper level and release any barriers to recognizing their unique beauty and potential.

Yellow Woman Ranch (YWR) is the manifestation of a vision I had years ago when as a single mother working full-time, overwhelmed and exhausted, I dreamed of a community of women supporting each other in whatever needed to be done to keep us all moving forward.

Years have passed but that dream, that vision, never left me and educating and uplifting women has become my purpose.

So, here I am at Yellow Woman Ranch in Borrego Springs, CA, building a desert retreat for women that offers self-love workshops and other specialized events as well as a host of professional holistic services.

Hope to see you soon at Yellow Woman Ranch.

Love Yourself,
